Healthcare | Virox Technologies Inc.
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The unmatched efficacy and application safety of our innovative technologies are improving infection control in healthcare settings, including in Environmental Hygiene and Medical Device Reprocessing.

Environmental Hygiene

female healthcare worker wearing navy scrubs cleaning hospital bed
Doctor Discussing Records With Senior Female Patient
woman pushing a man in a wheelchair

AHP® technology for hospitals

Through our partner Diversey’s line of products, healthcare providers in primary care, acute care, long term care, ambulatory, and pre-hospital care are using Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) to achieve germicidal efficacy without compromising the safety of patients or staff.

Powered by accelerated hydrogen peroxide (ahp)

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Discover Diversey
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Tough on pathogens, not on people

AHP® products for environmental hygiene in healthcare are represented globally by our partner Diversey.

Discover Diversey

Medical Device Reprocessing

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High-level disinfectants and sterilants designed for reprocessing heat-sensitive critical and semi-critical medical devices.
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Easy to use

Ready-to-use solutions with no dilution required, helps you save time and improve user compliance.
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Active ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, breaks down into water and oxygen, leaving no active residue, which reuires no special ventilation and helps to reduce environmental impact.
preempt hld5 bottle disinfectant
preempt cs20 bottle products

High-level disinfectants and sterilants

PREempt HLD5 and PREempt CS20 are high-level disinfectants and sterilants for processing heat-sensitive semi-critical and critical medical devices for which heat sterilization is not suitable.

Powered by accelerated hydrogen peroxide (ahp)

Where to Buy

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