Unrivaled benefits
Choosing the right disinfectant requires more than just identifying what it kills. The ideal disinfectant should be the perfect balance of cleaning efficiency, germicidal activity, occupational safety, environmental impact, and material compatibility.

Virox engineered Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® as a game-changing disinfectant technology that has been relied on for more than two decades. Using low levels of hydrogen peroxide, together with a synergistic blend of commonly used, safe ingredients, AHP® has exceptional potency as a germicide and performance as a cleaner without sacrificing safety or sustainability.

Citr-IQ™ is our new patented disinfectant technology that harnesses the natural antimicrobial power of citric acid and represents the next chapter in Virox innovation. Citr-IQ maintains the balance of efficacy and safety that Virox antimicrobial technologies are known for but does so while advancing performance in sustainability and material compatibility.
Industries we serve
Explore the industries we serveVirox creates branded and private label products, and partners with market leaders in an array of industries, pioneering the broader acceptance of next-generation disinfectants in human and animal health settings.